Accurate Tarot Readings from

by | Intuition / Psychic, Mind / Psychology

Sinéad Fine

Fine Academy of Mystical Arts

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Today I want to share with you a website that I have to admit, I am really enjoying. As a professional Tarot reader I tend to only trust real readers and not algorithms. However, I have a few apps on my phone and I often play with them while I am waiting for something. I came across the website and I have to say I am impressed with the graphics and the accuracy. I think you will really enjoy it – and did I mention it is free! 

This site was created by Mary Cole. Mary worked closely with the tarologist Eva Dalattre to talk about the meaning of the cards and adapt them to the online world in a more accurate way. Mary wanted to get people to look at the Tarot as a symbolic tool that can help us see life in a different way – in other words get a new perspective on our situation. With the algorithm used you will find that the cards are quite precise. 

Now years ago I DID NOT BELIEVE that you could read Tarot for someone who was not in the room with me. I deemed I impossible. Then the mobile phone came along and a desperate friend would ring me on my big brick of a phone (remember 1999) and I would have to tune into her and pull cards for her. Accurate every time. Then I DID NOT BELIEVE that I could do an email reading or an audio reading for a complete stranger on the other side of the world. I tested it out and guess what – accurate. I cannot explain it to you with modern physics but it happens. So until recently I DID NOT BELIEVE that computer generated tarot readings could be accurate. Well I have been proven wrong!


So let me share with you why I love this site…


First of all I am a graphic person. I love visuals and the colors, types of spreads and decks make interesting. I love the colors, the ways the cards move across the screen and how the interpretations are laid out, stream lined, focused and clear. 

Secondly, because you see the cards visually and you need to pick them based on your psychological feeling at the time, they really match where you are at in life. 

Thirdly the readings are free so there is no risk. Of course you can pay for more detailed readings (which could be very much to your advantage) but to just jump in for some advice, it’s a great website. 

Finally I love the fact that I was proven wrong and that an algorithm knows exactly what I need to hear. The wonders of modern life. 

So off I want to explore some of the Tarot spreads available for free. I had to make a business decision and I needed some more guidance on it. I believe Tarot is excellent for getting us to see the whole picture. Then it’s often easier to make a more accurate choice. I do not advise doing exactly what the cards tell you. You do, after all have free will. I advise using the tarot like a best friend giving guidance. With more information you can then make a better decision. 

There are currently eight types of free readings at So the first spread I checked out is the YES/NO spread. I loved, loved the visuals in this one because the answer was given by the cards landing on a scale and the scale tipping to one side. How cool! I got an answer of 86% yes which is actually what my gut feeling is saying about this business decision. I just had a very successful launch of a product and I was checking is it something I should promote again in the future. The answer was really detailed but this summed it up for me about the emotions I was having about my business future, ‘Now you completely understand who you are, your strengths and your weaknesses, your joys and your troubles. Today you know by heart the goals you want to achieve and the situations which give you the most pleasure’. 

I then checked out The Oracle of the Moon spread which helps us get a step closer to our subconscious. I had to pick 7 cards. Then they turned over and I had to look at them and pick two cards that I believed were positive, two cards that I saw as challenges and 3 cards of possible uncertainties. I then had to discard one of the last 3 cards. That brought my selection of cards to a final six. Again as I was picking the cards I was thinking about my online business and any advice I need for the future. I felt this time my question was more vague, but the answer was very detailed and really made sense for me. Now I was really impressed. 

So then I checked out the Crystal Ball Reading. Again the visuals were so tasteful and they were laid out on top of the crystal ball in a round circle. First I was guided to pick three cards that best represent my life path. Then I had to pick a card for protection and energy during testing times (and we all have those). Finally I had four cards and I had to pick my preference from one to four. Somehow the algorithm understands the psychological reasons for picking certain cards for each guided step, because once again it was accurate. 

The site is in English but you can access a Spanish, Italian version and French version. If you wish to get deeper readings, paid readings or be on their mailing list you get the opportunity to give your email and sign up. 

Overall I was impressed and I will be recommending to my students, friends and family this website. Go and play and check it out at You will be as pleasantly surprised as I was.

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