How to be the best Tarot Reader you can be!

by | Intuition / Psychic, Learning Tarot, Life Lessons

Sinéad Fine

Fine Academy of Mystical Arts

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It is a question I get asked over and over again. How can I be the best Tarot Reader? How can I get the cards right every time?

The key is listening to your Intuition.

Intuition is knowing the “what” to do before the “why” to do it and it should be one of the cornerstones in how we interact with our clients.

As a Tarot Reader who uses the process of therapeutic Tarot, my intuition must be stronger than my mental mind, when helping people. I must not let my ego and head voices take over.

My intuition must be free to speak first.

In practice, there are some fundamental principles that we as Tarot readers must understand, especially if we want to use the Tarot as a tool for transformation and healing of ourselves and others.

I think the core issue is that you must be comfortable saying you are  a tarot reader, even if you feel it makes you look odd! Even if you feel it makes you stand out from the crowd.

First of all it’s vital that we know ‘Who we are’. If we don’t know who we are, how can we ever know what we really want? How can we ever hope to help someone else when we have no understanding of why we have a desire to help? Joseph Campbell once said, “The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are”. Self development is ESSENTIAL as a Tarot reader. Your job is not to fix people or give them happy predictive futures. Your job is to help them see where they are and all the choices that lay before them. In my opinion that makes the best Tarot reader.

Secondly there is no point in being the best Tarot reader if we don’t know how to listen to people.  Empathy, Compassion and Understanding alone can heal a person and it’s a skill that sometimes needs to be learned as intensely as the meanings of the Tarot cards. Empathy is the way in which we can intuitively and directly understand or “reach into” another person without using words.
We should use our own feelings as information. We should learn to be transparent and allow the person who comes to us for help to be truly heard.

Thirdly we must go inside and find what is unique about ourselves and present this to the world. If we combine our uniqueness with joy, passion and optimism, then we have the makings of a great Tarot reader. We need to be real, authentic and ourselves, not a clone of other ‘psychics’ out there.

Fourthly – Be Humble. You will not have the answers to everything. People will respect you more if you say ‘I don’t know’ than mumbling whatever you think they need to hear. People can sense falseness. We won’t be able to help everyone with their issues and this is where we must be humble enough to say so at those times. We think that we will not be the best Tarot reader if we do this, but in fact we show that we are human, not a robot. People want to come to Tarot readers, not Tarot robots.

Finely – To be successful in our Tarot reading we MUST believe in ourselves. Against all odds and adversity we can triumph if we KNOW we have an intuition that we can trust. If we don’t believe in ourselves then its time to go back to the beginning and try to understand who we are.

If we have an understanding of whom we are and stay authentic we will be respected. If we add to this empathy, belief in oneself and a passion in what we are doing, there is no doubt that you WILL be successful.

Then you will be the best Tarot reader that you can be!

You have limitless chances to make a difference in the world around you by sharing Tarot and its profound healing with others.

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