Sinéad Fine

Fine Academy of Mystical Arts

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A spray of golden glitter

Today I want to share with you a very simple but powerful and effective ritual to help with calling in love to your life.


The word ritual and magick might freak you out. Yet ritual is simply making direct communication with your subconscious and the collective consciousness of the universe. Magick is using a specific ritual to get a result. You do things in a certain way at a certain time with a certain intention and energy and then send the completed task out into the world. This is ritual and magick is its most simple form. You are simply changing your consciousness at will. Very similar to NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) or affirmations.


This ritual is going to be specific about the TYPE of love you want to call into your life. It works if you do it properly. I personally do not recommend writing a long list of all the things your ‘partner’ should have. You may end up wishing in a few years you did not ask for those things. It is much more effective to let the universe and its wisdom decide and you simply direct the energy like a laser beam:).


So, lets get started…


I want you to ONLY do this ritual on a Friday when the moon is waxing.




Friday is traditionally the day of the Goddess Venus and love. The waxing moon is a time of bringing in energy and manifestation and lasts for nearly two weeks from the time of the dark moon all the way up to a full moon. If you are unsure what phase of the moon you are in check this Android app or Apple app.


So I repeat – only do this ritual on a Friday during the waxing moon. You can decide to also do the ritual according to planetary hours but I decided to keep things simple.


The ritual that will be described below is for all women to do if they wish. You must choose however, what type of  love you wish to attract into your life. Look at the chart below and decide which one you will pick and then proceed. Please do not try to do all types – the more clear and succinct you are, the better the results.







The love that is given to us without expectation of it returning. The love given by parents, friends and loving family.


The love that fills our heart with warmth. Romantic love that can develop into partnership and even long term togetherness.


Looking for passion and spice in your life? Fun in the bedroom and adventures that bring a sparkle to your eye.


The 10 of Cups


The 2 of Cups


The 9 of Cups

CANDLE White Pink Red
ESSENTIAL OIL Lavender Jasmine Patchouli
PLANT White Rose Pink Rose Red Rose
WORDS Unconditional love Romantic love Passionate love


Read through the ritual first and the important notes at the bottom. You will need the items from the chart above, your journal and pen and finally tasty food and drink that remind you of love.


Choose what type of love you want to call into your life.


On the correct day and timing of the moon find a quiet space indoors or outdoors where you will not be disturbed. Put your phone on silent or better still, turn it off.


Create a magick circle in the air with your fore finger and say, “I create this sacred space. Within this space I now create a new future’. Imagine a white light coming from your forefinger and creating a circle of energy around you, with you at the center. When you are ready sit down and do some deep abdominal breathing, slowing down your energy and helping you focus on the task ahead. In front of you is the candle, essential oil and rose.



When your breathing and mind is calm, pick up your candle and light it and put it in a candle holder. Now anoint the candle (not the flame) with a few drops of the chosen essential oil. Massage the oil into the candle sides. Chant the words quietly as you do so. Imagine the love you want entering your life. Imagine it already exists – it is already here.


Now, stand up and raise your arms into the air. Invoke the energy of love into your body and into your heart. You are now this love itself. Continue to chant but now allow your voice to get louder and louder. Louder and louder. Move your body. Dance. Twirl and spin.


Imagine fully that this love is NOW HERE.


When you feel out of breath and dizzy fall to the ground with your whole body and head touching the ground. Reach out to the rose and imagine the magick is now flowing into the rose.


LOVE is now here.


When you feel ready sit up and eat the prepared food and drink and write in your journal if you wish. One of the reasons it is important to do this after ritual is because you were using energy that you do not often use on a daily basis. You need to get back into your physical body and be grounded and centered so daily things like driving a car is safe to do.


When you are finished and ready please stand and thank the universe for the gift you have received. Raise your hands into the air and imagine the circle opening and dissolving. Feel grateful for the gift you have received.


Congratulations – beautiful love is coming your way. 






#If there is a specific man or woman that you want in your life you can let the universe know. However you should also let the universe decide if the match if right. Never do spells or rituals where you are manipulating another persons free will in order to make them love you. Not good and the repercussions are not nice.

#Please do not use items lying around the house. Go and buy a candle, oil and a rose. Make the effort to gather these items.

#The candle must burn until it is finished. If you need to go somewhere make sure it is in a safe place like outdoors around sand or indoors in your sink.

#After the ritual keep the rose in a vase with water for three days. After that time, pluck all the leaves off and spread them out on paper and let them dry in a dark dry place. When they are fully dry you can gather them and store them in your journal.

#Do not talk to anyone of this ritual. You will dissipate the energy.

#Do not think about this ritual all the time and whether it will come true or not. You must trust that it already has. You are simply waiting for the delivery. Obsessing tells the universe you do not trust that you will receive love.

#The timing of the ritual is left up to the universe. Trust that love will come.

#If this is your very first time doing ritual and you are nervous ask for your guardian angels, saints or whoever you work/ pray with to be with you.


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A spray of golden glitter

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