Sinéad Fine

Fine Academy of Mystical Arts

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A spray of golden glitter

We have all had them – wacky hormones.


I personally believe that hormones are a sensitive reaction to the environment – telling us what is out of balance. They are a wake up call that says, ‘Bloody hell  – my life is a bit of a mess right now!’. When we stop and listen and heed that inner voice and FOLLOW IT we can often get ourselves back on track.

(Now obviously I am not a doctor so it is always a good idea if you have wacky hormones to go get some blood tests and reduce those nasties that our body hates (alcohol, sugar, smoking and drugs)).


In my experience as a natural medicine therapist and professional Tarot reader, wacky hormones are best helped and cured by the following protocol:



Sleeping enough (at least 7-8 hours a day)

Good quality sleep (If you have children under 5 you are probably giving me ‘the look’ right now)

Laughing hysterically at least once a day

Eating regular meals with protein 

Avoiding sugar

A little bit of dark chocolate every day (OK – a wee bit of sugar)

Flower essences for the emotions

Orgasms at least once a week (alone or with other people)

Exercise every day (where you sweat and pant)

Hugs, affection and kisses daily

Time in nature at least once a week

Creativity for the sake of having fun

Having the ability to stop for at least 10 minutes a day and simply being in the present

Time with good supportive female friends

Playing with your Tarot and Oracle cards (this is obligatory)




Now you might think the above list is superficial. Where are the drugs, the herbs, the complex diet regime, the meditation plan?


Well honey bunny, if you can’t get those basics above done (yes chocolate is a basic) then forget about buying a big jar of herbal pills from the Health food store.


Here is a Tarot spread and ritual I do for women in their menstruating years to see what we can do to help their wacky hormones.






I get the women to bring me a stone that she has painted with her menstrual blood (now dry). If the woman is no longer menstruating then I ask her to rub her spit on it.


We sit and drink her favorite non alcoholic drink and her favorite food (which she brings). I usually supply my famous chocolate brownies.


We talk. We chit chat. She gets relaxed. 


I get her to write on a piece of paper all of her anger and frustrated emotions.

I witness her as she writes it. She can use whatever size paper she wants – whatever pens, colors or paints.


When she is finished she wraps this paper around the stone. As she does it she blows out forcefully, imaging all the stress going into the stone. 


If the woman does not want to write I ask her to express herself out loud while she holds and looks at the stone. She is allowed to shout, cry or express any emotion she wants.



After the ritual I ask the woman to put the stone outside the space. We get out the Tarot cards and I ask the woman to shuffle the cards while asking:


‘What do I need to do to re balance my hormones’ 


I then ask her to pull 5 cards. I turn them and see what came up.


If there are Major Arcana cards it can take more work to re balance her hormones and she may need outside help – a Naturopath, a Herbalist, a Gynacologist. However we look at those Major Arcana cards and go deeper. Major Arcana cards are archetypal in nature and usually indicate strong energies.


What do they represent?




Her life?


Her childhood?


Her mother?



Her father?



Often the cause of the hormones is revealed and a plan of action is created if needed.


If all the cards are Minor Arcana usually she simply needs to make some changes like the list above and and her hormones will re-balance.


When we are finished I give the woman a gift – usually a bottle of personalized flower essences. I tell her to take the stone and bury it as soon as she can in the earth.


I remind the woman that hormones out of balance simply means something in our life is out of balance. Our body speaks to us through symptoms and hormones are our way of communicating to the world. We do not have to suffer – we have the ability to often get to the bottom of the issue.

So if you are out there with wacky hormones – perhaps it is time to pull out the Tarot cards and have a play.


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