Sinéad Fine

Fine Academy of Mystical Arts

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A spray of golden glitter

Last week I had to lie in bed because of a pulled back muscle. It was a clear psychosomatic response to ’21st century syndrome’ aka – I can do EVERYTHING.


You see, I was juggling too many things – parenting, career, relationships, friendships, volunteer work and in among all of that – trying to find time for myself!!


Something had to give. My back did of course. So I said, ‘Thank you body for speaking to me, I hear you loud and clear’.


I knew I needed to reduce or let go of some of the things I was doing in my life. All amazing incredible things which made it so hard, but it was time to get refocused and organised. How was I doing to work out what to say, NO to?



Do you ever do that? Take on too many things because everything feels so exciting and amazing – only to find out you took way too much ‘on your back’? How do know what to say NO to?


Well I took it as a chance to pull out my Tarot cards. Because in my world – Tarot is never far from my fingers. I sought out my trusty pack, made a cup of tea, took out my journal and pen and did some deep breathing and searched out my NO!


Now when I do Tarot I ALWAYS make sure not to be disturbed. For me its all about respect. If a dear friend comes to visit do you answer the phone while they are pouring their heart out to you. Do you turn to the computer and answer a quick Facebook message while a friend is giving you golden advice?



I always turn off my phone and shut the computer. My children are either asleep or out with Daddy. This is ‘ME TIME’ and the universe loves when we give ourselves some love and peace and quiet. We listen better.


Respect Tarot and Tarot will respect you. 



I also like to create ritual around my Tarot cards. It is my way of telling my unconscious, higher SELF, my guides and the universe that I am serious and seeking out wisdom in order to make change. I may pick a specific color candle, an essential oil or a particular cloth to lay the cards out on.





So… your life is busy. You are doing WAY too much – in fact some days it may even feel hard to breath. You look in your diary and feel panic when you see pages full of things to do. Surely you can say NO to something?


What can you do to make life more simple? How can you create more space in your life. Space for you, for being still and for allowing that beautiful intuition of yours to step up.


Get your journal and write down all the things that you do. Everything – from cleaning the house to hobbies. From volunteer work to driving your kids all over the place. You probably have a long list. Now go through that list and cross out what is essential – what you CANNOT let go of, what you CANNOT say NO to.


Question your decision. Are you sure? Can you get a cleaner? A babysitter? Share drop off and pick up to school with other Mum’s (if you have kids). Can you work less hours? Can you give up something that was not so interesting but you felt you HAD to do.



Once you get to your short list of things that are not essential in your life, put it aside and pick up your Tarot deck and shuffle the cards.


Look at an item on the list, keep it in your mind and say out loud – Is this the right thing for me to do right now. Your cards will tell you about this activity and whether it is in fact good for you right now.


Pull ONLY one card – the answer will be within that card.


Perhaps you get the Sun – great – keep doing it. Perhaps you get the 9 of Swords – obviously stressful and not something to continue with. The 9 of Wands could mean the activity drains your energy. The 7 of Cups could mean you feel too emotionally confused around the activity. The Moon may mean you are doing it for partly unconscious reasons.


If you do not know what the card means that you pulled, do not run to a book to interpret it.


Look at the card.


Imagine being INSIDE that card. What does it feel like? The answer will come for you. Do not think too much. Use your feelings.


Go through each item on your life, ask the question and pull one card. You may be surprised. You may learn more about the things that you do. Perhaps some of them are done because of guilt or duty? Perhaps some of the items are just pure habit and can be changed or dropped?


The next step is to make the changes. Stepping into action. As women in the 21st century we have opportunities that we never had before (or perhaps we did but its way way back in history/herstory) but it comes with a price.


Doing too much.


If you feel you are doing too much then its time to take our your Tarot deck! She will never let you down:)


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A spray of golden glitter

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