Life Passion – Tarot can help you get there

by | Learning Tarot, Life Lessons, Mind / Psychology, Tarot Spreads

Sinéad Fine

Fine Academy of Mystical Arts

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Do you live your life passion, whatever that may be?


Do you follow your dreams?



Good questions to ask yourself…


Do you…


Step fully into the role you were created to do in this lifetime.


Many of you may say,’I really have no idea!’. So lets pause for a second…

Ask yourself this question:


‘When am I on fire and excited about life?’


When do you feel most alive and happy? This is probably what you are here to do – whatever that may be!

If you do not know what your life passion is then check out my Tarot spread below…



 coming out



OK this is a biggie.


Do it respectfully with space and silence and stillness around you.

You are going to be asking some big questions.



life passion


Get your fave Tarot deck and take out all the Court Cards. Put them in one pile. The second pile is the Major cards and the third pile is the Minor cards.




life passion

Shuffle the Court cards and ask the following question and pull one card:


What are my best qualities?


Before you turn the Court card, shuffle the Major Arcana deck and pull one card. Put it beside the Court card. Now turn them both over together.


The particular Court card will show you some character traits, skills and qualities that are unique to you.The Major Arcana will show the theme of your passion.


For example Cups cards can indicate healing, counselling, psychology, coaching. If you pull the High Priestess with a Cup card you know that your skills are in digging deep into the subconscious. You are probably a healer, shaman, psychologist, counselor or life coach.


For example, Wands may indicate sports, entrepreneurship or adventure. If you pull the Hierophant which can traditionally represent teaching then perhaps you will be a fitness instructor, tour guide, teacher, mentor or coach.




life passion

Now shuffle the Minor Arcana cards and ask the question while pulling three cards and lay them out below the first two cards:


How can I manifest my passion?


Each Minor Arcana card has a message for you about how to manifest your dream. It could be practical, like saving money, asking for help from an experienced person, creating a business name etc.


Now remember those five cards (write them in your journal and take a picture) and put all the cards back together and shuffle well.




Shuffle really well for at least a minute.


The next question will show you the blocks you have towards living your passion. Most of us block what we REALLY want because it feels too scary. We use excuses. I am sure you recognize these excuses to following your dreams…


I don’t have enough money


I have no time


I have no resources


I don’t feel my skills are good enough 


Excuses stop us from living fully. They keep us in the safe known areas of our life. A life that can get dull, boring with no soul rewards.


So lets look at what blocks you may have. Pull one card for each question below:


What are my blocks to achieving my life purpose mentally?


What are my blocks to achieving my life purpose emotionally?


What are my blocks to achieving my life purpose physically?


What are my blocks to achieving my life purpose spiritually?



If you get a Major Arcana card for any of the four questions you must understand this is a main block. Minor Arcana cards can be a pain in the ass when they are a block but they can be worked through. Major Arcana blocks take a lot more work to shift. Self awareness, counselling, journaling, healing and other therapies can help you overcome deep ingrained blocks.




Leave these four cards out and now ask the final question and pull three cards:


If I remove the blocks and live my passion, how will my life look like?


These cards, almost always will be positive. However if you get cards which you deem to be negative, then examine what changes will occur by following your passion. Perhaps you will leave the job you are in now. Perhaps you will walk away from a relationship or move home. What can seem like a hard and difficult card may be part of the process to finding your life passion.




I hope this spread helped you. If you find that interpreting your Tarot spread is difficult for you consider joining our Facebook group, Tarot for Women for support and guidance. Also consider if you want to study Tarot to help you understand the cards better. For beginners we have the beginners course Tarot Basics and for those who want to go deep with the Tarot and gain confidence and skill we have the Diploma in Tarot.



This is a spread that you should record by photo and writing and come back to it in the future. Remember that if you do this spread again in a year from now it may have changed. That is OK. We are fluid beings with the ability to change.

I hope for you that you fully life the life you were meant to do.



Warm hugs, Sinead.

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