The Right and Wrong Way to Read Tarot

by | Guest Posts, Intuition / Psychic, Learning Tarot, Life Lessons

Sinéad Fine

Fine Academy of Mystical Arts

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When I first started reading cards the question that kept bouncing around in my head was “What is the right way to read tarot cards?”


Of course, I started with Google hoping to find the secret to reading, the magic answer that was going to solve my worries and put all the pieces together.  There are a lot of great articles on the technicalities of reading cards. However, that was not the question I was asking.  I wanted to know the overall, 10,000 foot view of the right way to conduct a reading for my clients.


From my experience (not a search engine) here’s the answer you may be seeking…



There is not a right or a wrong way to read tarot cards.



One more time…there isn’t a right or wrong way to read tarot.



That’s right, YOU are the magical answer! 



What you do as individuals – the uniqueness of being you – is the magic that you bring to your readings.  Your unique magic is the reason that the clients are drawn to you.  I’m a firm believer, that the universe directs those we can help towards us at the precise time that they can benefit from our help.  Our job as light workers is to provide insight that only our unique thoughts, qualities, emotions, empathy and heart can bring to the situation.


That said, I can offer these four tips from my experience; one that has brought me into the fold of lightworkers (new and experienced alike).





Have confidence in yourself and what you provide to your clients.




If you meet new readers talk, listen, discuss, and search together through common interest and passion. If they are willing to share ideas, card spreads, interpretations, and thoughts with you then drink it up and openly share with them.  This can only help you by helping each other as well as get your creative juices flowing.




If you meet old school/ experienced readers who critique you, that tell you how you must lay the cards, how you must interact with clients, the way you must act as a light worker at vendor events or one-on-one with clients. My advice…listen, take it all in, ask questions, pay attention to their mannerisms, their card layouts, and anything else they are willing to share with you.  Try to be objective and remove emotion from the conversation.  You don’t have to agree with them but you also don’t have to openly disagree.  Just listen, digest, and learn.




Take everything you’ve heard from new readers with new ideas as well as everything you’ve learned from experienced/ old school readers and mix it all up. Mix it, pound it out, lay it flat, roll it smooth, and take the result and make it your own unique and flavorful gift.




If you can follow those 4 simple guidelines while reciting the mantra, “My unique gifts are real and offered to all in need” then you have nothing to fear. 


Love, light and healing my friends.



Article written by Danielle

Danielle Colello is gifted psychic and medium who has recently moved to PA, USA. Her readings are insightful, healing and inspirational. Originally from a small New England town in Maine, she has encountered spirits since birth and has been reading for over ten years. She is a proven guide in all aspects of life including love, relationships, business and healing. She is known for her accuracy and draws from the positive energies surrounding the soul providing the needed insight, healing and guidance.

Danielle owns her own spiritual health business – MHD Spiritual Health.

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