The Secret to Reading Tarot lies in this Powerful Skill…

by | Intuition / Psychic, Learning Tarot, Life Lessons, Mind / Psychology, Tarot and Women

Sinéad Fine

Fine Academy of Mystical Arts

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A powerful skill will advance your Tarot Reading super fast.

If you read Tarot for other people then you will always want to get it right. When a person asks you for help with the Tarot cards, you have a window of opportunity to connect with them, help them and make them feel empowered.

How do you do that?

What is the magic ingredient?

Is it your Tarot Deck? Is it your psychic skills? Is it the particular Tarot Spread that you use?

Nope! Yes, the above will make you a better Tarot Reader but if you do not have this essential powerful skill in your belt, forget about becoming well known as reader of  the cards.

The powerful skill I am talking about is LISTENING.

Often books, teachers (including myself) and e courses talk about the easy decks to start with, the best spreads to use, the most advanced psychic skills to implement.

I think however that every successful Tarot Reader will agree with me on this point –  If you cannot LISTEN to the client, then you will not go very far in impressing them. If you cannot listen well, how will you really know what the person wants?

(Of course this does not apply to the person who comes to you for a reading and says nothing, sits back and tests you with their silence- then there is nothing to listen to! However listening to the ‘silence’ can also tell you a lot about a person).

So let me give you an example of this powerful skill…

A woman comes to you in her mid 20’s and she wants to know about her love life. She says the following: “I am really lonely. I want to find someone to love, to keep me company. Perhaps the next door neighbor Paul likes me? Perhaps the manager at work – his name is Jason – I saw him looking at me the other day. Perhaps I’m a lesbian, ha ha! I feel confused. Tell me about my love life”.

Now at this stage many beginner (and some more advanced readers) would jump into doing the reading. They would throw a few cards and start talking. The women would listen and perhaps the cards would give her clarity.

Would you do the same? Perhaps you might throw some cards to tell her if love is coming her way. You might see a court card and tell her it must be her neighbor Paul.

Was that what the woman was really coming about?

Did you work out exactly what is happening to this women? Did you decide what actually needs to be asked? Did you talk with the women for a few minutes to determine more about her dilemma? Do you understand what she is really looking for? Was she joking about being a lesbian or was she serious and this is the source of her confusion? Do you know what she is confused about? Do you REALLY know what is going on?

Some of you may say that its not really important, that the cards will explain what is happening.


If every Tarot card has multiple meanings, do you think you can accurately know what is happening? Wouldn’t it be easier to pause, listen, talk, ask questions to clarify and then go from there? Do you think the woman would feel more appreciative and heard?

I think so. All because you listened, emphasized and used to cards to explore what is really going on for this woman. Out of the two scenarios – some cards thrown for her love life OR a deep exploration of what is going on – which do you feel will help the woman more?

The deadly trap of Tarot Reading is jumping in super fast to read the cards. You might feel a need to prove yourself. To say things that will wow the other woman and prove how psychic you are. Sure you can do that. But the woman will probably not come back again in the future for a reading. She will move on to the next Tarot Reader.

If you listen to the woman and she feels ‘seen’ you get a client for life. In order to listen well please consider the following:


As the person is talking, do not interrupt them – simply listen.


Do not assume you know what is going on. Listen carefully and when they are finished talking say the following to them before you even turn a Tarot card, “So, it sounds like the problem is……….am I correct?”. This is called clarification and you will nearly always be accurate if you have listened well.


While the client is talking do not finish their sentence for them. It indicates impatience, not psychic ability.


Once the client confirms that you are on the right track, discuss together what is the right question to ask. Involving the other, shows you have listened and you want to help them in the best way possible.


When the reading is finished, recap on what was said. Talk about the clients query, the question that was used, the cards and their advice. This shows the client you gave them 100% attention the whole way through.


Ask the client if they have any questions about what came up. Ask the client do they feel better/more relief now? Normally they will say yes (because you listened to them and matched a Tarot Reading to their dilemma) and the last feeling they will have as they leave is that you helped them.

My advice is pause, breath deep, look the other person in the eyes and work out how best you can serve them.

Listening is the key to this and the most essential powerful skill when reading Tarot cards for another person.

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