Introducing Justice XI
We see a woman wearing a red robe and green mantle, seated on a stone throne. She holds in her right hand a sword and in her left hand a set of scales. She sits between two pillars; behind her is a purple veil.
Justice represents balance, cause and effect, decisions, ethics, justice, legal concerns, and divine balance.
If there is no justice in the world what would it look like? No legal system? No ethics? Justice is fundamental to being human.

Symbols & Systems
The woman represents Justice. The Goddess traditionally represented Justice, and was often depicted blindfolded, signifying that her emotions were not her primary decision driver.
facial expression
Her expression is stern and unemotional; she’ll make decisions based on evidence and facts, not passion or emotion.
body posture
She sits, back straight, on a stone throne. We get the sense that she’ll impart justice as best she can. One foot is extended, indicated that she’s ready to make a decision.
red robe
Red represents the planet Mars and passion. We need to be passionate about justice, to seek it and make it part of our society. If we’re indifferent to injustice, the world becomes a chaotic place.
green mantle
The green mantle represents Venus and love. We must make decisions from a place of love (not overwhelming emotion) and compassion. The justice delivered should match the crime or misdeed.
The crown has three turrets (3) and a square (4). Together, these add up to 7, the number of Venus, again reminding us that the logical head must also have compassion and love when making decisions. Imagine a parent who must discipline a child in order for the child to learn, even though the parent deeply loves the child.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
The scales represent balance, harmony, and equality. In ancient Egypt, the deceased went to the underworld and met Maat, goddess of justice, who would take the deceased’s soul and put it on one pan of the scales, and a feather on the other pan. If the soul weighed more than a feather, the person was punished. If the soul weighed less than a feather, the soul was allowed into the next life.
two pillars
The High Priestess and the Hierophant, in between whom sits Justice, indicating that she follows a middle path. Since ancient times, two pillars have guarded the entrance to sacred places, indicating a gateway or passage toward whatever is held in esteem. The parallel columns also denote the zodiac signs of Cancer and Capricorn, which were formerly placed in the chamber of initiation to represent birth and death, the extremes of physical life. Freemasons know them to represent the summer and winter solstices. Human equilibrium requires two feet, the world gravitates by two forces, and generations need two sexes.
When the two pillars find equilibrium, it is said to generate a third pillar, one in the middle, which esoterically represents humankind. It can also signify the union of Sushumna and the Kundalini, this sacred marriage that creates and radiates throughout the human body, filling it with divine light. It is then that humanity will become the third column, Wisdom.
stone throne
There are no fluffy pillows to sit on here (like the Empress card): Stone is cold, and in order to make a rational decision based on facts, emotions cannot get in the way.
the veil
The veil is purple, signifying wisdom and authority. We do not know what is behind the veil, and can only guess. It may be that there is a deeper, higher reason for Justice. Perhaps by practicing justice and recognizing karma and retribution for misdeeds, we become more God / Goddesslike.
The sword represents truth and making decisions with clarity, i.e., ‘cutting through all the extraneous data’; it is the sword of righteousness.
yellow background
The yellow background represents the mental force and intellectual mind needed to make just decisions. Yellow traditionally represents the element of Air, which in Tarot is the element that rules the mind.
Gods / goddesses
All the deities that rule the subjects of justice, balance and harmony, have a connection to this card.
Female: Maat, Mafdet, Themis, Justita, Atheme, Nemesis, Adrasteia, Nanshe
Male: Zeus, Marduk, Ninsusinak, Shamash, Shiva, Forseti
The number of Justice is 11, which represents a new beginning, as it is the first of the higher series of numbers. Its digits added together equal 2, or the High Priestess, who has much in common with Justice: Both sit on stone thrones, between two pillars, with a veil behind them. Both have power to make decisions and choices: The High Priestess from a deep knowing inside, and Justice from a rational point of view.
The astrological sign represented by Justice is Libra, whose symbol is the scales, the only inanimate sign. Libra rules the kidneys, adrenal glands, and lower back. The kidneys are an organ of elimination that discards that which is not essential to the body. So too Justice disregards all that impedes good decision making. Venus rules Libra, which is all about fairness and harmony. Librans hold these values as highest in their lives.
The creators of the Rider Waite Tarot deck were members of the Golden Dawn, a group that followed teachings based on the Kabbalah. Kabbalists are mystics who believe that God is neither male nor female, and has many aspects. Kabbalah is all about learning why we’re here, the mystery of the universe, and what the big plan is.
Being the 11th card, Justice corresponds to the 11th Hebrew letter Lamed ל, meaning, “the goad which pulls our acts in toward the needs of the inner self.” Lamed is also the first letter in the Hebrew word lomed לומד or “learn”. By applying justice in our lives, we learn more about ourselves, others, the world in which we live, and the Creator.
The message from Justice XI
Justice asks you to reflect on justice in your life. Where is the justice and the injustice in your life? Can you change it? Understand it better?
Ask yourself these questions:
• Is there Justice in my life right now? What injustice might I be struggling with?
• Am I getting what I deserve?
• Am I weighing up all factors when I make a decision?
• Do I understand the universal law of cause and effect?
• What is the middle path in a situation in which I’m involved?
• Is there a law/court case that you are/will be involved with?
Allow yourself to focus on the fact that in order for justice to manifest, we must make decisions based on facts, logic, and truth. Emotions can sometimes blind us and make decision-making irrational. While we should never ignore our feelings, in some cases, we must focus on facts when making decisions.
Justice XI reversed
When I see a reversed card I simply see the energy blocked or inhibited in some way. How would Justice be inhibited?
Justice can be inhibited when we don’t stand back and assess a situation rationally. When we’re “too far inside” a situation, we cannot see clearly. When we experienced injustice and we’re angry and hurt about it, our reaction and actions that we take are not balanced. For example, your spouse has an affair. You file for divorce. In the divorce proceedings, you push to get as much as you can. Your hurt makes you bitter, angry, and resentful. Perhaps you’ve lost balance and perspective?
If you get Justice reversed for yourself or someone else, some questions to ask might be:
• Am I feeling wronged?
• What do I need to do when I feel injustice?
• Is it hard for me to balance emotion and thought?
• Am I now reaping the results of a decision that was not thought out properly?
• Is there a hidden agenda behind my decisions?
• Am I having problems with the law / courts?
• Where am I avoiding responsibility right now?
Am I codependent on someone else’s decision making, thus handing over my power?
If you get Justice reversed, you’re being advised to stand back and look at the bigger picture.
Recently I saw a woman make a decision based on anger, hate, and projection. Her decision aimed at hurting an individual, and yet her decision will impact her entire community. Karma will someday come to her door and demand justice. It’s how the world works.
Injustice has occurred to you or a loved one. How did you get into the situation that you did? What actions and decisions put you here right now?
To sum it all up
Justice has similar themes to the Wheel of Fortune card, which is about karma and cause and effect. Justice is about understanding how our decisions affect every part of our lives and that of others.
Every day when we switch on the news or our feeds, we see injustice in the world. It can be debilitating to see crime, murder, terrorism, and war in the world. Rather than feel defeated, however, we should stand up and fight for our rights and those of others. We should say ‘No’; We should say ‘Enough’. It starts with us – every single one of us – fighting for what is RIGHT and JUST.
Justice invites you to understand that to live in society, there must be justice to keep the balance. Without Justice, society moves toward chaos and anarchy.
EVERY single decision we make should be made from an AWARE place. What decisions can you make today AS A WOMAN to bring more JUSTICE into the world? Watch this two-minute video about women and justice: