The Rider Waite Tarot Deck Strength tarot card

Strength VIII

Inner Strength and the ability to tame strong emotions but not to deny them.

Patience. Compassion. Self-control. Gentle acceptance of what is.

The subconscious (primitive side of us) tamed by the conscious.


Introducing Strength VIII

We see a woman who appears calm and serene holding the head of a lion, which appears tame and even lets the women close its mouth. They stand on green earth, and behind them are trees and a mountain.

The picture is bright and cheerful. We sense strength and hope in this card. It feels good to look at it.

Strength is the 8th card in the Tarot Deck. It represents gentle inner strength and the ability to not be ruled by our primitive emotions. There’s controversy over the Strength card, as in older decks, Justice was assigned number 8, and Strength was assigned number 11. The Rider Waite deck, and many other tarot decks thereafter, do not follow the older method, as the Golden Dawn (a group to which the creator of the Rider Waite deck belonged) felt that Strength was more powerful in position 8. Ultimately, it’s not super-important unless you’re studying Kabbalah and the Occult Mysteries.

Golden pomegranates

Symbols & Systems

body posture

She’s confident; she has no fear of standing alongside a wild animal.

facial expression

Her face is gentle and serene. She exhibits no fear. Her inner calm and strength enables her to put her hands near the mouth of a lion.


She wears a white robe, signifying purity and innocence, but not naiveté.

Roses on robe

These signify passion and instincts. They are also worn on her head like a crown, signifying that she controls her mind over her passion. They are also around her high waist, the place of the solar plexus chakra (whose color is yellow).

infinity symbol

The lemniscate represents eternity. The numeral 8 when lain on its side also represents infinity. Allowing ourselves to rise above our primitive animal instincts brings us closer to God / Great Spirit. Compassion, trust, and love are considered higher emotions than are envy, hatred, and spite. The other only character in the Tarot with the Infinity symbol is the Magician, who also exhibits control by focusing his will and intent along with powers from above to get what he wants. The Strength card represents will from within.


The lion represents our primitive instincts, the part of us that is animal. We tend to forget that we are simply another form of mammal, with all the instincts and herd behavior of these animals. The lion is red, which symbolizes the fiery male aspect in alchemy of sulfur, which, when changed to gold, the lower self is elevated to a higher self. The lion is controlled and directed, but not ignored. He’s taming his own instincts in order to be touched by the woman. Likewise, our primitive instincts often come from a place of needing to be seen and loved.

green nature

The nature in the scene represents the fertility that occurs when we allow ourselves to accept all parts of ourselves but do not let ourselves be controlled by them.


The mountain reminds us of The Lovers card, which shows male and female externally and internally. Likewise, the Strength card has a lot of sensuality in it: the ‘virgin’ overcoming the passions of the beast.

yellow background

Yellow represents the sun, which rules this card. It also represents the alchemy concept of sulfur (yellow) being turned into gold.

gods / goddesses

Strength is ruled by all of the gods and goddesses that possess gentle strength. Examples include…
Female: Athena, Brigid, Danu, Isis, Virgin Mary, Bast / Sekhmet
Male: Dagda, Lugh


Strength’s number is 8, the number of infinity and life.


The astrological sign Leo [the lion] is associated with this card. Leos are strong and courageous. Their mission in life is to tame their passions to achieve success. The sun rules Leo, indicating that when we acknowledge our passions and work with them rather than being overwhelmed by them, we can achieve ANYTHING.


The creators of the Rider Waite Tarot deck were members of the Golden Dawn, a group that followed teachings based on the Kabbalah. Kabbalists are mystics who believe that God is neither male nor female, and has many aspects. Kabbalah is all about learning why we’re here, the mystery of the universe, and what the big plan is.

Strength, being the 9th card in the deck (the numbering begins with The Fool at zero) corresponds to the Hebrew letter tet ט, which depicts a serpent, or fundamental, concealed power. The snake in many cultures is also seen as representing regeneration, sexuality, and life-force: the primitive life-force. In India this energy is called Kundalini; in China, chi; and in Kabbala, the Shekinah.

Strength on The Tree of Life sits on the path between Chesed and Gevurah, the balance between mercy and severity. Likewise with our own passions, we should have compassion for ourselves and cut ourselves slack when we make mistakes.

Eating is the main sense associated with Strength, and the digestive system is about converting love and wisdom into action.
The name of Strength is ‘Intelligence of the Secret of all Spiritual Activities’, or that ultimately there are no secrets: Everything can be known if we balance our passion with our wisdom.

The message from Strength VIII

Strength wants you to know that you have all of the fortitude that you need inside of you; it’s a matter of finding it and bringing it forth.

Ask yourself these questions:

• Do I feel strong inside?
• Can I stand by what I believe?
• Can I control my emotions, yet not deny them?
• How am I taming my inner beast?
• What am I passionate about?
• Do I allow myself to express my Inner Strength?

Allow yourself to focus on that place inside you that is serene, calm, and strong. While there are many ways to get to that place, self-love and self-acceptance are the quickest path to inner strength.

woman and lion Strength tarot card

Strength VIII reversed

hand and fist strength tarot card

When I see a reversed card, I simply see the energy blocked or inhibited in some way. How would Strength be inhibited?

Imagine feeling weak inside, feeling unable to exert your power; being in relationships wherein you’re codependent or less-than. Having children that control you. Having a boss that you cannot stand up to. With no inner strength, it’s easy to succumb to addictions and bad habits.

If you get Strength reversed for yourself or someone else, some questions to ask might be…

• Am I controlled by my addictions?
• Do I let people walk all over me?
• Do I show weakness rather than strength?
• Am I feeling that others are forcing their beliefs on me?
• Am I allowing my personal truths to be undermined?
• Do I feel lost and alone?
• Do I ignore my desire for wildness and passion?

If you get Strength reversed, it is advising you to find a way to grow that Inner Strength. You might need counselling or psychotherapy. You might need to rethink your values and how you can strive for what you really want. You might need to look at your addictions and how they can rule your life. You might need to ask for help to understand why your primitive drives overtake you.

Whatever you decide to do, have compassion for yourself. None of us are perfect. Even when times are rough, accept it; don’t battle it. The 12-Step Prayer sums this concept up perfectly:
God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change
Courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference

To sum it all up

Strength is about control, but at the same time not denying our primitive instincts. While Strength has a strong pull that can be exhausting, it controls with self-love and awareness.

So how can you be strong and gentle at the same time? By loving yourself and others. Think of those who changed the world with inner strength and courage: Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

How can a woman be strong and gentle at the same time? Think of a woman in labor. Her primitive instincts take over, as the body actually KNOWS how to give birth. Yet it is important that she remain calm; getting hysterical with the pain can actually delay delivery. The woman in labor must control her breathing and stay grounded. She must find that powerful place within her that is strong and ‘knowing’. A woman can only give birth naturally when she knows that she can, and has the quiet confidence to do so (not withstanding complications that are medically out of our control). Once a woman has given birth, she has an inner strength to protect her baby.

Strength invites you to understand power, strength and gentleness. 

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