Introducing The Sun XIX
We see a naked child sitting astride a white/grey horse, in front of a wall above which sunflowers blossom, the sun shining above. The child wears a crown and a red feather and holds a banner in his left hand.

Symbols & Systems
He also represents the ‘son of the sun’, or the divine sun-child that features in many religions and mythologies. The son represents the ability to be reborn, fresh and new. His being naked implies innocence and ascent.
body posture
The child’s body language shows that he is full of vitality and life force. He doesn’t need a saddle, as he’s in perfect balance and harmony.
facial expression
Blissful; beatitudes. We all strive for that level of feeling.
The crown is made of flowers, symbolizing life.
Symbolizes angels, ascension, wind, and a connection to the Higher Realms, as well as ease, comfort, warmth and financial gain; and lightheartedness and enjoyment of life.
red banner
Symbolizes life force, celebration, and victory over the darkness.
The sun is our source of life, without which there would be no life on earth. The sun has been worshiped since humans evolved and began questioning night and day and the cycles of the sun over the year. Most cultures view the sun as male and the moon as female.
stone wall
Indicates well-defined boundaries: You know who you are, what you want, and where you’re going. Also, we could postulate that the unconscious turmoil’s of the previous arcana (Moon, Tower, Death, Devil) have been overcome.
Symbolizes warmth, focus, and healing. The sunflower also serves to point you in the right direction and is a source of spiritual guidance. Even through difficult times, you will persevere. Sunflowers also symbolise loyalty and adoration owing to the myth of Clytie and Apollo. And due to their association with the sun, sunflowers are considered a happy flower. In addition, they have various meanings across cultures. In China, sunflowers symbolise long life, vitality, and good luck. To Native Americans, sunflowers symbolised harvest and provision. Sunflowers are an all-around positive flower.
Symbolizes nobility. In ancient times, the horse was also a symbol of the sun as the horse was believed to pull the sun in a chariot through the sky. The horse represents movement, progress and direction; as well as strength, stamina, and the life force. This horse however, is the same horse as on the Death card, reminding us that Death is the other side of Life (Sun).In ancient times, the horse was also a symbol of the sun as the horse was believed to pull the sun in a chariot through the sky. The horse represents movement, progress and direction; as well as strength, stamina, and the life force. The horse has no saddle or reins, indicating progressing by will and positive thinking alone. This horse however, is the same horse as on the Death card, reminding us that Death is the other side of Life (Sun).
gods / goddesses
In the picture above we see Apollo, the Greek sun god. His oracle was at Delphi, which was originally a sanctuary to both Athena and Gaia. Many patriarchal religions took over goddess-worship sites, analogous to the ancient belief that the Sun (patriarchy and rational thought) controls the Moon (women and intuition).
Female: Amaterasu, Athena, Mawu, Wala, Shams, Shapash, Aine, Etain, Xihe, Bastet, Sekhmet, Freyr, Sulis
Male: Helios, Apollo, Sol, Horus, Amum, Aten, Atum, Ra, Agni, Mitra, Ravi, Surya, Shamash, Xiuhtecuhtli, Alavnus
The number of The Sun is 19, whose digits reduce to 1 + 9 = 10, or The Wheel of Fortune card, which reminds us about the wheel of life and destiny. The Sun tells us that we can create our destiny, but the Wheel of Fortune behind it in the arcana sequence suggests that not everything is within our ability to control and manifest.
The astrological sign of the Sun is, of course, the Sun, which rules Leo and is exalted in Aries. Leo rules the heart and spine. The Sun also rules the heart and all its functions. In Alchemy, the Sun and the gold that represented it, was the ultimate goal.
The creators of the Rider Waite Tarot deck were members of the Golden Dawn, a group that followed teachings based on the Kabbalah. Kabbalists are mystics who believe that God is neither male nor female, and has many aspects. Kabbalah is all about learning why we’re here, the mystery of the universe, and what the big plan is.
Being the 20th card, The Sun corresponds to the 20th Hebrew letter resh, or ר, which represents intelligence and authority. Resh reminds us of our own internal power and authority, whose energy sits in the solar plexus, a chakra traditionally seen as yellow.
The Sun on The Tree of Life sits on the path between Netzach and Malkuth.
The name of this card is Collective Intelligence. All of the parts of your intelligence are now combined, assimilated, and unified to be brought forward into the light.
The message from The Sun XIX
The Sun comes into your life today to tell you to be happy; there’s always something for which to be grateful. Right now, the sun is illuminating your path in front of you. Indulge in its warmth and caring, and enjoy the rewards life has given you.
Ask yourself these questions:
• Am I grateful for what I have in my life?
• How do I seek happiness?
• What brings me pleasure every day?
• What relationships bring me joy?
• What hobbies bring me satisfaction?
• How can I create more energy to do the things I want to do?
• How can I stand out from the crowd in my business?
• How can I share my love for life with others?
• How can I celebrate right now?
Allow yourself to focus on all the love, joy, and happiness in the world. Focus on what is right, and not on what’s wrong. The Sun card is a gift telling us that everything’s going swimmingly; everything’s how it should be; everything is flowing, or will soon become easy. This is a great card to help you manifest anything you want, or stand in the glory of receiving it.
The Sun XIX reversed
When I see a reversed card, I simply see the energy blocked or inhibited in some way. How would The Sun be inhibited? Remember, ancient civilizations made sacrifices to the sun, which led the sun to have a gory shadow.
Perhaps the sun is you not shining enough?
Perhaps there are clouds hiding the sun and your potential?
Perhaps the sun is too strong and you burn out?
Perhaps the ego is not healthy, too inflated?
I see egos over and over again, especially in the New Age scene wherein adherents believe that they are God’s gift to the world and EVERYBODY should know about it. I have seen workshop leaders get too full of themselves because everybody adores them (Sun worship), and they will tolerate no questioning of their authority.
If you get The Sun reversed, you’re being reminded that your Sun is either shining too brightly, or it is in danger of burning out. Either way, your energy is not balanced. We invite problems into our lives when we’re not grounded and balanced. Find ways that you can return to a state of equilibrium. Perhaps you need to say “no” to doing too much? Perhaps you have to take a hard look at yourself and ask whether you’re being like a glaring car headlight to others. Perhaps you need to rest for a while and regain your inner spark.
Some questions to ask might be:
• Am I feeling burned out?
• Am I overly enthused? Do I need to take my enthusiasm down a notch?
• Am I putting too many hours into my passion?
• Is there something I’m not celebrating? If so, what?
• What am I unwilling to face right now?
• Am I giving unsolicited help and advice?
• Am I developing a big ego?
• Have I lost my hope in life?
• Have I lost my inner child?
To sum it all up
The Sun is truly our gift, as it helped the Earth come into being. It gives us energy, it grows our food, it warms our faces. The Sun invites you to strive for positive thinking. Our thoughts create our reality. There’s no better expert than Louise Hay on the power of positive thinking. I read her book, You Can Heal Your Life, when I was 19, and it transformed my life. I was also privileged to hear her speak at a writers’ workshop. She truly is an amazing woman. Look to the light when you get the Sun card.