Sinéad Fine

Fine Academy of Mystical Arts

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So what has hormones got to do with Tarot? Everything! As women, we are guided and ruled by our hormones. They will dictate whether we feel aligned, balanced, miserable or off track. We have hormones receptors in every part of our body.

Do you know that hormones have a DIRECT EFFECT on how good your Tarot reading will be? This is because intuition is needed for tarot and hormones has the ability to allow us to connect to this deep part of ourselves or not.

So lets start by looking at the three most important hormones in the body and relate them to three powerful Tarot cards.


The creator and sustainer or life. The highest levels of estrogen we will have in our lives is if we are pregnant and often The Empress in the Tarot deck is pregnant. Estrogen receptor cells are in every part of our body and allows growth, youth, renewal and rejuvenation. But she needs to be respected. When she is too little or too much in our body, we can feel terrible. Her balance is incredibly important to us.

Estrogen helps us…

Feel healthy

Glow from inside

Abundant and Grateful

All systems of body functioning well.


To me the High Priestess is the wisdom keeper. The deep thinker. The healer and balancer. Her dreams give guidance and she has a deep inner calm. When she is out of balance she is anxious, overwhelmed and possibly also depressed. She cannot listen to her intuition and life feels too much. This is very much like a woman with low progesterone. and this occurs in PMS, PMDD, after miscarriage’s and during the perimenopause. All incredibly challenging times in our lives.

Progesterone helps us…

Stay emotionally balanced

Keep our wisdom intact

Heal our psyche

Listen to our own Soul

 Prevents overgrowth

 Prevents PMS, PMDD and Depression

 Have a deep restful sleep

Dream and remember

By connecting to our Inner High Priestess she can guide us on how to get back into balance.


Testosterone is not a male hormone. It is simply a hormone. Women need it as much as men. However the energy of The Emperor card matches the qualities that Testosterone give us in our bodies. When we have too much testosterone we can be aggressive, irritable and restless. When we do not have enough testosterone we can feel like we need to be peeled off the floor. Our energy is zero and we want to stay in bed all day. Again, balance is key.

Testosterone helps us….

Have good vitality

Good immunity

Strong libido

Focused mind



Have you had those days there you feel powerful, strong and invincible? That can be the energy of The Emperor. The outward, directed focused energy that gets things done. The Emperor has boundaries and courage, strength and stamina. The Empowered Leader.


Together these three cards tell us about the hormones in our body. They show us where we may be lacking balance. Take just these three cards out of your Tarot deck and shuffle them for a while with your eyes closed. Then ask the question and pull one card.

The question is  – What do I need to pay attention to right now with my hormones?

This is not a medical question. This is about understanding the energies in your life right now and where you need to pay more attention.

If you get The Empress ask yourself…

Am I respecting my body?

Am I listening to the symptoms that my body is showing me?

Am I eating well?

Am I sleeping well?

Am I managing my stress?

Am I allowing myself to be creative?

Am I allowing myself to be open to the fertility and abundance in the world?

If you get The High Priestess ask yourself…

Am I listening to my inner voice?

Am I listening to my gut feeling / intuition?

Do I understand what is really going on?

Am I allowing myself to share my wisdom with others?

Am I following my souls calling?

Do I have loss and grief I need to attend to?

Am I getting PMS / PMDD / Perimenopause symptoms?

If you get The Emperor ask yourself…

Do you need to move your body and exercise more?

How is your libido?

Are you feeling alive?

Are you full of energy?

Are you passionate and focused on something?

Are you keeping good boundaries?


Our hormones are INCREDBILY powerful, (just like Tarot). Tarot can guide you to understand your hormonal world better. When you are balanced hormonally you are a super intuitive woman with the ability to inspire yourself and others.

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