If you REALLY want to be a great Tarot reader then you need to know your Four Elements. Once you know them deeply inside, so many of the cards instantly make sense and you don’t need to remember all those keywords! But before you even look at the cards, go look at yourself. Understand how the elements play out in your life.
In Tarot the four elements are Earth (Pentacles), Air (Swords), Fire (Wands) and Water (Cups). When you look at the pictures of each suit you can see their own particular theme. In the Pentacles cards you will see a lot of green, work environments and money stories. Pentacles rules the element of Earth.
Earth is about your body, your home, your job, money – all those things that bring material security.
Air is about communication, ideas, the power of the mind and the intellect.
Fire is about energy, inspiration, action and drive.
Water is about emotions, connection, love and the heart.
So Ok – To find out the weak and strong elements at the time of your birth go and create your FREE Natal Birth chart report at CaféAstrology. Go down through the report until you come to the element chart.
On the left is what type of astrological signs you have and which are Fixed, Mutable and Cardinal. It also mentions masculine and feminine energy. Ignore that for now. Great information that can do even deeper into what energy is inside each specific element, but we don’t need that for today’s lesson. On the right side of the chart is the four elements and how many planets are in each element.
What does your chart look like?
How many planets do you have in each element?
Write it down in your journal. It is so important for self-discovery.
For example I have three planets in the elements of Air, Fire and Water and only one in Earth. Even my acupuncturist says I have weak Earth at times. Because I am emphatic and psychic I can sometimes float off into space. I’ve learned over the years that nature, routine, good sleep and thick stews and soups get me into my earth energy. In this lifetime I always have to put extra energy into Earth and cannot take it for granted that I will stay grounded and in my body.
So read below to find out what to do if you have more or less planets in an element.
Whew are you stubborn! You get fixed on certain ways and habits and it’s hard for you to change them. You can be too practical and controlling with lists and lists of lists. You may be obsessed about your body and image and many of your thoughts could revolve around how you look. You like things to be known and controlled. The unknown can make you incredibly uncomfortable and surprises are not your friend.
Try to take a few risks! Dare to believe in things that may not be able to be scientifically proven. Perhaps say yes to a social party even though it makes you feel uncomfortable. Watch some comedy and laugh a little. Go out and dance in the rain. It is really OK to be serious but not all the time!
You are really dominated by your thoughts. You are laser sharp and focused and can multi task easily. If you hone your skills you can be an excellent communication, speaker and leader. You have so many ideas and yet you can get bored easily. You have a desire to learn and always aim for the next level. The problem can often be going to sleep at night – or – waking up at 3am and not being able to go back to sleep. This is due to ideas and things you need to do the next day. Due to racing thoughts you might find that you suffer from anxiety. You could also be prone to gossip so watch out for that. Never a pretty virtue. You might also find it hard to connect to your emotions and your body because you are too much in your head.
You like to talk but your view may not always be welcome. Count to 3 before you speak and ask yourself is it necessary to say it. Try and get out of your head and more into your body. Vispassana meditation could be torture for you so perhaps start with something like ‘Active Meditations’. Find ways to have ‘no thoughts’ such as a hobby that involves your hands (pottery, painting, jewelry making and knitting).
Whew! You are a firecracker and you love to be where the fun is. Travel, adventure and new experiences are perfect for you. You like to move and travel and you often feel restless inside. Yet this can also make you impatient and even angry and raging at times. Because you like change and adventure you may also take risks in your life and this can include addictive substances.
Slow down. There is always tomorrow. Try and keep some of that energy so you do not burn out which often happens. Try to slow down and watch for the burning urge to have yet another adventure. See the health in being more grounded and in a routine. Try to find natural highs such as a sunset rather than stimulants. Also avoid spices. You are spicy enough! Also take time out of your week for gentle fun and recharge time.
You might feel like a psychic sponge and feel all the energies around you. You are a Highly Sensitive Person and the world can feel too overwhelming for you. Your heart is huge and you are too caring and then your heart hurts when you feel let down by others. A natural romantic you feel terrible when there is no relationship in your life.
Try giving yourself some of the love that you bestow onto others. All of that compassion and empathy and yet you need to give it to yourself as well and have healthy boundaries with others. Allow yourself to be loved for who you are and not what you do
You have a tendency to float off into space and daydream. It can be hard to you to get into a routine and a regular series of patterns that can stabilize your day. You may have no clue about finances or feel that you really don’t understand the whole thing about money, investments and financial markets. Food might not be very important for you. However, be careful that you do not overeat to feel in your body (a very common pattern) and especially stay away from stimulants and drugs. You are often naturally high.
You need to be in or around nature every day. If you live in a city, your local park or plants in your home is the next best thing. You need to have your bare feet on the ground. You need to have a consistent routine. You need to do hobbies that involve your hands like gardening, pottery, jewelry making. You need to exercise outdoors. You need to eat regular healthy meals. You need protein with every meal. You need foods with earthy substance and nourishment such as grains, sweet potato, soups and stews. You need to do exercises that bring you back into your body like walking, hiking and climbing. Avoid stimulants – they will do you no good.
What are three things you can do today to bring more Earth element into your life?
You probably find it hard to make decisions or focus mentally on more than one thing at a time. You can get easily confused by noise and multiple opinions. One of your main issues is not using your voice and speaking up. You worry your opinion is not valid or important. Your voice is as equal to others. You need to have a strong routine and not bring too many changes into your life at one time. You may become overwhelmed. You may have negative thoughts and fall into negativity and depression easily.
Decide to learn something and dedicate time to it. Something that could feel challenging like learning a new language. Decide to speak up and set boundaries. Voice your opinion. Sing in the shower. Be a guest in an interview or podcast. Journal/write/sing to express yourself more. Eat heavy foods now and again to give your mind a break.
What are three things you can do today to bring more Air Element into your life?
It can be hard to get yourself motivated. This is because you fear taking risks. It can feel especially hard to be creative and get inspired by things. You can jealously look at others and their works of art and wonder why you cannot do it. Another issue is your inability to access your anger and rage. You do not protect yourself sometimes and let others walk over you because you want to stay nice.
Stand in front of the mirror, look into your eyes and say No and mean it. Let it come from that fire within. Try watching videos of entrepreneurs, visionaries and leaders in the world to get inspired and get that inner spark going. Try a sport to get that movement going inside of you.
What are three things you can do today to bring more Fire Element into your life?
You sometimes feel heavy and stagnant like a swamp. There feels like there is no flow in your life. There may be heaviness and grief around your heart. Sometimes life just feels too hard. You avoid people because you have no energy for their dramas – you prefer to be left alone. You can be judgmental of others emotions, simply because you are not feeling your own.
Get that water energy flowing. Go swimming and feel the water around you. Dance in the rain. Go stand by the ocean or at a safer distance if there is a storm. Watch a sad movie so you can allow the tears to flow. Allow yourself to open up. Choose to forgive those from the past who hurt you. Give yourself some compassion.
What are three things you can do today to bring more Water Element into your life?
If you have no planets in an element then you need to bring that element into your everyday life. It will take effort and it might not feel natural but it can bring you into balance. Look at the list above of two or less planets in an element and incorporate the suggestions given to strengthen that particular element. It is vital you work daily with your missing element.
Remember I said I only have one planet in earth. So I can get un-grounded and spacey if I am not careful. Centering and being in my body are daily exercises I must do. Then the element Earth is inside me and I can continue with my day.
So that’s the very tip of the iceberg of the elements. There is so much more to Astrology and the Four Elements.
If you first understand the Four Elements and how they relate to you, then the suits of the Tarot becomes so much easier to understand. I hope this article whet your appetite for more!
If you found this article interesting then consider checking out my 8 week Introduction to Astrology course. it’s deep but practical. You get to learn how to read your Birth Chart and build a solid foundation. You can even pick up the charts of your friends and family and start to read their charts too!