Meet Åsa Nilsson
This week I have a special guest. I met Åsa through a business course we both signed up for at the beginning of the year. I have always made great money from Tarot and I truly believe if you want, you can also. Good business advice can really help and so I asked Asa what she felt was the very first steps to take to start your own Tarot business. You will actually notice that she does not talk about money or pricing. That comes later. She talks about the very foundation of understanding what you want.
Over to you Åsa …..
Coaching Tips for Keeping your Head on Straight when Considering Starting Your Own Business
Hello gorgeous!
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share some of my thoughts with you today. Your time is valuable and I can appreciate the energy it takes to read the written word in this day and age.
In order to help break down some thoughts around starting your own business, I find it is good to not look at the “whole” but to break it down into bite sized pieces as to alleviate overwhelm.
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time, right? But please … don’t eat an elephant.
I am not someone that will blow smoke and tell you that starting a business is easy because it’s not. It can certainly be super amazing but there is also a lot to think through.

Starting up and running your own business takes strength, fortitude, copious amounts of wine, strong support of friends, tarot cards, mediums, did I mention wine?, healers, therapists, coaches, shamans and Reiki masters and that’s just to start off with. 🙂 No, I’m only kidding but the wine IS essential. I never joke about wine.
After you have all of those things (or wine) in place, you will need the courage to remain curious and open to new ideas and to listen to and trust your own intuition. Since you are here at Tarot for Women, it already means you are in tune to the higher vibrations of truth and that is what you need to tap into. Your OWN truth. You have to start by asking yourself some real good, deep and revealing questions.
So if there was a way for me to help you think about this how would I start? Perhaps here.
If I knew then what I know now, what would I tell myself?
Well, looking back on my own work in this world I see patterns of behavior in myself. I see specific things that I do really well, specific things that I suck at, specific things that I want to be better at and specific things that I couldn’t care less about.
Your patterns are important to recognize too because they will either give you huge amounts of courage and drive when you need them or they will dissuade you from finding the answers when you get stuck. Old patterns run deep.
Start with writing down your patterns. Be honest with yourself and see what comes up for you.

As a Business and Money Mindset Coach for Female Entrepreneurs, I spend most of my time virtually coaching other soul driven gals on their MINDSET first and foremost.
“The most powerful stories may be the ones we tell ourselves”. – Dr. Brene Brown
Your self value and self esteem comes from you. Nothing or no one outside of you determines your value, got that? Almost every single client I have ever coached has come to me with a need to fix something “about” her life or her business and after deep reflection we get to the core, the root …. what she sees she’s missing (or has neglected to look at) is recognizing WHO SHE REALLY IS and WHO SHE REALLY WANTS TO BECOME.
The older we get, the more we start to believe the “stories” we tell ourselves, even if that story doesn’t serve us. If your current version of your story doesn’t sit well with you, then IT’S NOT YOUR STORY! It’s simply time to make a new decision and change your story. Yes, it can be that simple.
Knowing who you are and what you stand for and what you want to create in the world and WHY is the absolute best place to start your journey into YOU… notice I don’t say your business here.
With those answers you can create anything because the foundation and fundamentals of everything you need are there.
So start with taking a good look at yourself. Ask for help. Get educated. Learn, learn, learn. Teach yourself what you need to know in order to get to those answers. Read the tarot. Consult a higher power. Go within. Learn to understand how to ask the right questions. Look, find and work with a mentor or coach.
I personally use numerology, tarot and my intuition all the time with my clients. I am not a specialist in numerology nor tarot (with Sineads help I will be though!) but I use them for myself when I want to see my client from a different perspective. The cards don’t lie… just like our bodies don’t lie. We just need to learn to lean in and listen to them.
I want you to remember this, “What is yours will not go past you” – Colette Baron Reid
It is NEVER too late to start or to start over and there is no rush. You aren’t going to miss out on anything because what’s yours is yours and it’s always going to be waiting for you. Tap into your powers of greatness and your answers will come. Pinky promise.
There is so much support and love around you. Here at Tarot for Women as well as places you probably don’t even realize. Remember that.
With love from Sweden,
You are welcome to connect with me on all social media platforms, I would love to meet you. You can also sign up to receive my WEEKLY newsletter that will arrive in your email inbox. It is written for women who are either starting their own business or already running their own business. I share thoughts, ideas, random cool things I come across in all of my research as a Business + Money Mindset + Life Coach.
Facebook: Asa J Nilsson
LinkedIn: Åsa J Nilsson