Can you beat me up? How to tackle those strange Tarot questions…

by | Tarot

Sinéad Fine

Fine Academy of Mystical Arts

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A spray of golden glitter

It was many years ago and in those days I had strange Tarot questions because they were all still so new.

I was still young with not a grey hair to be seen on my head. It was a Sunday and I was working all day in a Mind/Body/Spirit show. Lots of health, hippy and crystal stands. The best place to get new clients. In those days I would go around Ireland to different shows. I had a phone the size of a large brick (remember those pre-smart phone days?) and business cards and I always made really good money and met some great people. Over time my networks grew and I got better with my reading skills.

That day I was fully booked. My booth was small and cramped but the clients went away happy. Now, you know that feeling you get when you are being watched, looked at and scrutinized. The hairs on your neck go up, you get a quiver in the body, you see something at the far corner of your eye. I was in the middle of a Tarot reading for a nice young handsome farmer when I got that feeling. Kind of like being undressed. I ignored it. When I could not dismiss the feeling any more I quickly glanced to my left. A tall older man was watching me intently. OK…… I thought and I went back to my reading. Now the tall older man came closer and closer. I was starting to wonder would I feel his breath on my neck in a moment. So I psychically said in my mind, ‘Feck off’. No luck. Now the man was standing right beside me and my charming farmer also noticed and was not too happy. I snapped my head around suddenly, looked the man in the eyes and said forcefully, ‘I am giving a reading and you are too close’. His eyes lit up! and he wandered away. I was a little bit shaky because I felt quite rude but then I got on with the reading and by the end of the day I had completely forgotten the whole thing.

strange tarot questions

Fast forward a week and one evening I get a phone call to my brick mobile. I answer. A voice echos and becomes clearer. A man…he wants a reading…he saw me last week in the Body/Mind/Spirit show. What do I do? What are my rates? So I explained what I do, how much I charge and then he interrupted me. ‘You see, I was watchin ye and I thought to me-self, that’s a grand woman. Look at her there reading those cards. She has mighty talent. I got closer and then you turned on me…. I went pale. Oh no! The man I was so rude to! Oh crappy! I started to mumble an apology and he interrupted  me. ‘You see, I’m lookin for a strong woman. I don’t need no relationship. I was just wondering..if…you…could….beat me up?’. My jaw dropped. I went even paler. Then I shrieked, ‘What? Are you serious’. He spoke more quickly, ‘Oh yes, I’m so so serious. I mean, you have a force in ya! The way you looked at me with those eyes. Ill pay ya. I think you could give me a good spanking’. I looked around my room wildly. Was this a set up? Was someone from a radio station ringing me for a joke? But no…it was real. I realized quickly that talking aggressively would not work and only make this man more excited, so I suddenly changed my tone and explained in a weak, whispery voice that I didn’t even hurt flies and how could I hurt a man old enough to be my Grandad? Somehow that was not sexy for him and he hung up. I never heard from him again.

So why am I telling you this story?

Because sometimes you are going to be asked the strangest questions.

strange tarot questions

Tarot sometimes attracts people you may not want to read for. I have answered most questions and some of them have been…well…weird. I have answered questions that I did not really understand, like the time I was asked about reincarnation from Atlantis during the last blue phase expedition. I have also been asked questions I understood but just seemed plain crazy, ‘Can you check if we had a past life in Egypt together before we came through the Stargate’. Then some questions are not strange at all if you have world experience, empathy and an open mind – ‘I want to have a sex change. I am a woman in a mans body. Can you check if its the right thing to do’. I also worked near a red light area for a while and I read for many prostitutes. I will leave their questions up to your imagination but some of them became my favorite clients.

It is up to you to work out what you are comfortable about answering. Who will you read for and who will you not read for? My red line is abuse. If I sense I have an abuser in front of me I will immediately end the reading.

So know what your limits are. You DO NOT need to read for everybody.

The bottom line I would say above all is to make sure you are safe. Never EVER put yourself in a situation where you are unsafe. Always read in public places or business. If you read from home, carefully check the clients out before they call. I only take return clients at home. New clients are via cafes, business or parties.

As women, we need to be careful.

Tarot has a dark side (like everything)and it is hardly ever the cards that are freaky but the odd adult that will come your way.

In The Complete Tarot Course that I teach, we look into ethics and boundaries. I never want a student to have no clue about this vital part of reading the cards. I ask for you to also check in with yourself – who is it not OK to read for and what subjects do you want to avoid.

Important and essential to know these things.

Now please do not let my stories freak you out. Remember, I have read for thousands of people and the vast majority were all within the range of normal. Yet, it is always good to know your limits.

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