Tarot and Perimenopause

by | Tarot and Women

Sinéad Fine

Fine Academy of Mystical Arts

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If you are over 40 years of age, you need to read this article!

I used to think of menopause as something that happened in the 50’s and was about hot flushes and periods stopping. I knew what herbs, homeopathy and flower essences to prescribe. How wrong I was! Now I am up to date as I enter my own perimenopause journey! 

Also I was lucky that one of my graduate students Lynda Wisdo wrote a book called Menopause in Crisis, about her own perimenopause and menopause journey. Her website shares a lot about this phase of life and you can check out her article with a Tarot spread. She first highlighted this time to me a few years ago. 

So lets talk about Perimenopause. It can start for some women as early as their 30s but the average age is 45, give or take a few years. You will still have your period but your hormones will start to go erractic!

The common symptoms of perimenopause are the following:



Panic attacks

Hot flushes




Heavy frequent periods

Memory loss

Joint pains

Brittle bones

Weight Gain

Hair Loss

Dry vagina

Painful sex

Low libedo

Tingling and sensation of insects on the skin

and the list of symptoms go on…


Tarot is a great revealer. It shows us what is REALLY going on. If you are feeling hormonal, out of sorts or that something is wrong with you and you are 40 and above, you can ask the cards what is going on.


Get two Tarot decks. From one Tarot deck take out The Moon, The High Priestess, The Empress and The Emperor to represent all your hormones.  Place them in front of you.

Now shuffle the other deck and ask the questions below. Pull one card for each question and place in front of you face downwards. 

What is going on with my mental state right now?

What is going on with my physical body right now?

What is going on with my emotional state right now?

What is going on with my spiritual state right now?

When you have pulled all four cards, lay them out in a row below the Four Major Arcana cards. Now turn them over. Try and interpret them as best as you can.

If you are new to Tarot you can check out our FREE Tarot Ecourse. It will help you understand this spread. 


If your symptoms are mild to medium then consider:

The herb Sage to reduce hot flushes and the herbs Black Cohosh / Agnus Castus / Wild Yam for overall hormonal balance. Omega 3 and 6 oils and the minerals Calcium/Magnesium are also essential for your heart and bones.

Check out A.Vogel videos on the natural treatment of menopause. 

If your symptoms are severe / very severe then consider:

Consider HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) and find a menopause specialist to treat you.

Check out Davina McCalls amazing documentary on the Menopause.

Also check out Dr. Louise Newson for her recommendations about body identical hormone treatment

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